Solar photovoltaic and thermal power plants
More and more countries are interested in, and have the means to enter into the renewable energy adventure, and more competitively priced electricity is within their reach. As experts in this field, we are here to advise you and adapt to your needs.
Rural electrification through renewable energy
Low access to electricity is a major obstacle to rural development. However, some countries have the potential for renewable energy. The project aims to generate electricity from renewable energy sources in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
The supply of drinking water by renewable energies
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the consumption of fresh water has increased sevenfold on the planet; non-drinking water is the leading cause of death in the world, and kills 10 times more than wars.
Soils, too, are subject to intense erosion with a threat to global agriculture. In some regions, soils are leached 100 times faster than they regenerate.
This is why it is necessary nowadays to find and promote water supply by renewable energy. Photovoltaic and thermal solar energy, as well as wind power, for example, can be used to purify water in large quantities and at low long-term cost.
Technology transfer
“Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day Give him a fishing rod, and he can eat and feed his whole family for as long as it lasts.
The transfer has a particularity compared to the transfer of a licence: it is the communication of know-how adapted to the context of the acquirer. This precision is important in the case of transfers to other countries, since it is at the heart of current debates on the effectiveness of transfers. The Kyoto Protocol has made it possible to transfer green technologies in order to achieve sustainable development in countries. The transfer can be intellectual (method, concept) or geographical (material directly).
Territorial energy planning
We offer comprehensive advice on public or private energy management, integrating issues related to its supply, production, distribution and use.
The Territorial Energy Planning approach enables a systemic approach to the energy and environmental wealth of the territory, from the region to the neighbourhood, by highlighting the synergies and coherence required at the different territorial levels.
Energy and environmental planning is a major source of information for decision-makers and land-use planners, particularly in terms of the challenges and potential for exploiting the territory’s own resources, and guarantees sustainable and harmonious development.